Check our inventory of rentals available in the DC metro area and contact us today for information!
Contact Us

A: Homes needing to be sold quickly, with a cash offer – single-family, townhome, or 1-4 multi-unit properties.
Q: How fast can we close?
A: While real estate can contain a variety of factors influencing this, we’re typically able to close in 15-21 days.
Q: What areas do we cover?
A: The Metro DC area and South Carolina.
Q:Why would someone need our services?
A: You could have inherited a property and don’t want to maintain it. Perhaps you need to move quickly because of the purchase of a new home and need a cash buyer. You may be a seasoned wholesaler and interested in facilitating a FSBO sale. We work with people for all kinds of reasons!
Q:What’s the best way to contact us?
A: Whatever works best for you! We’ll be glad to reply via email, text, or an ol’ fashioned phone call!
Do you have a property you need sold quickly, purchased from a cash buyer, and as-is? Are you a wholesaler looking to find an investing cash buyer for a FSBO property? Do you need your buy/hold single-family investment home in the Metro DC area managed? Are you an investor looking for buy/hold properties? We might be a great fit!
The benefits to our owners:
- Vacancy periods are significantly reduced with our extensive pool of prospective renters as well as selective advertising.
- We have relationships with maintenance contractors and receive discounts on work done, thereby passing the savings on to you.
- Periodic interior and exterior inspections to ensure your property is properly maintained.
- We perform extreme due diligence on our renters backgrounds to minimize your overall vacancy rate and potential non-payments of rent. (criminal, credit, work/landlord history, and check personal/professional references)
- We save you all of the time that it takes dealing with maintenance and tenant hassles, not to mention accurate monthly activity statements, saving bookkeeping time costs.
- Collect all rents, deposits HOA dues, etc.
- Photos of your property of before and after condition.
- Pay your HOA and or Condo Fees if applicable, one more thing you don’t need to worry about.
Real Estate Investment
Square 1 Property Management is involved in the real estate market in a variety of ways. Yes, managing your property is our number one priority. However, we handle REI services also. Too often investors are bogged down with day jobs, coordinating rehabs, or strategizing their ideal target market. Finding properties can be a burdensome task. Let us handle it for you!
As a wholesaler, we want to provide you access to properties. So call us today to discuss how we can best meet your investment needs.
Are you looking to buy and hold? Good, because we might be looking to flip! Pick up the phone and call. If we can grab what you’re looking for, we’re happy to work together.
Square 1 Property Management, LLC
Our real estate investment team – active and analytical
Real estate is an active investment. It takes work to see the wealth build. We have a structured process and criteria for how we analyze what we believe will be a quality transaction for all parties involved.
We started as a property management company, and have grown into a two-prong approach, with an additional division dedicated to real estate investments throughout the Metro DC area and South Carolina.
Who We Are

Pete Brock
Meet Square 1 Property Management owners, Pete and Peter.
This business partnership first started when Peter was only 9 years old and was a paper delivery boy for the Washington Post. Pete and Peter would wake up at 3:30am every day, load a few hundred newspapers in the family van, and drive around making deliveries for people’s morning read.
Why? Because Pete believed Peter should learn the value of work and making a dollar. Pete made sure Peter walked every paper up to the door step of every house because no one likes walking to the end of their driveway in the rain or cold to get it.

Peter A. Brock II
It’s that commitment to customer service that serves as a foundation for today’s business team 20+ years later. Square 1 is committed to make your life easier, and has the business model to prove it!
Pete provides many years of real estate and business administration background to give property owners the confidence they are investing their cash in a sustainable and solid company. Complimenting that, Peter has spent several years in the real estate and mortgage finance industry, ensuring property owners that tenants have been properly evaluated for their income abilities to meet rent payments.
We’re not just property managers, we’re income stream facilitators!